In God’s light

I can come to the throne of grace boldly. It was never specified that who can come and who can’t. In God’s light, we are all equal. I encourage all the men of this modern society to emancipate themselves from the bonds of patriarchy, which was a tool developed by their forefathers to have their own way in society, which basically disesteem women. Especially men of faith.
Of course you can open the door for me! You might happen to be a much better handler of heavy oak doors. And of course I will cook for you. I have much better knowledge of spices and mixing things. But it can go either way. Regardless of that, faith in Jesus Christ has never put down anyone with regard to their genetic makeup.
The function of society has been for many centuries based on survival of the fittest and smartest competitors. While every human being mattered, patriarchy was designed to cut off all the competition women were. What better than to have a complete group of the suffrage out of the game. And thus began the land ownership rights and heirship sagas. Where people were disqualified from what is rightfully theirs by manipulation.

The New Testament has record of love leading the way. Women were more likely to believe the Gospel sooner than men. Women were generous in the apostles ministry. Jesus had as Sarah Bessey states, a counter-cultural attitude toward women. He saw beyond the cultural perceptions of the time and acknowledged women in their full humanity.

I appeal to the brothers of the faith to let GO! To let go of ideals which strip other human beings, sinners and saints as much, of their humanity; To get off that boat they couldn’t sail alone and come stand on the shore with us; To purge themselves of the monster they have created through their own self-interest. And let us sisters run in joyful witness that we’re loosed! That we go and sin no more! That we carry our cross and loyally follow Him.

Neither was the man created for the woman, but the woman for the man. We exist here for each other. Without a husband I can have no sons, and without his mother I could have never had him. Please, pray for the liberation of your mentalities.! Divine order is divine order. It cannot be tempered with. At the very same time, Grace is grace, and equally necessary. This race is for us all. We all gird ourselves up in Ephesians 6:11-18. There exists no difference for man or woman. The veil was torn, the sins were died for and the Lord is still the same. Love is the answer, without speck, spot or blemish. That is the Lamb of God Himself.

If we continue in this illusion, what of grace?

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